Saturday 16 March 2013

Weapon Concept Art

Once I had designed my Characters, I wanted to create a weapon for them to use, both as a way of hunting and self defence, but also a tool.

Firs I started with some simple thumbnails, I knew I wanted to create some sort of staff so I kept in mind this shape.

I then developed these shapes into six developed designs, thinking about different uses each would have.

This sheet shows my thoughts behind the designs, I really liked the idea of the siblings having some kind of power that meant they could semi-control the forest and make things grow, such as making bark grow around a blade to make a weapon. 

I liked the Billhook design, but felt the third staff had a much more unique shape that would be more interesting to hold, so I worked on incorporating my previous designs onto this shape.

While creating these designs, someone observing my work thought they looked like bows, which I decided to develop into my final design. This gave the weapon three different attacks which is what I was looking for in a multipurpose, hand made weapon.

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