Saturday 16 March 2013

Character Concepts Stage Four

 I liked the final five designs I had developed, however, I wanted to experiment with different head ideas, trying out different hairstyle, war paint and, in the term of the male character, facial hair. 

I had two main inspirations with these face marking designs, I was trying to think of different markings you could make using only your fingers and different animal patterns the sister might imitate, such as a dear, lynx or badger. So far my favourite hair design is the 3rd row on the second page, it looks messy as if she has just  chopped away at it.

So far I like the long hair design for the male but worn up in a messy knot.

Edit: After talking to Nigel about these designs, he felt the females hair was too styled, and preferred the rough dread locks look. I took this opinion into consideration and when I tried it out on my current design, felt it looked better so I stuck with it. 

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