Saturday, 16 March 2013

Motion Graphic

Not being able to settle on a style, I decided to change my work flow and finish all the line drawings for each panel. This is what I am most confident at so it helped me feel more confident about the whole process.

In this scene I want to create the effect of movement showing the men drinking.

For this scene I want the hand to pan down from the top to show the idea of the uncle handing them the money as it appears in his hand.

In this scene I have drawn the hands and arms on separate layers so I can animate it to look like the hands are shaking.

I want to convey the idea that the children have been woken in the middle of the night to be taken away, so I will have the boy slowly blinking his eyes, adjusting to the light, and the little girl rubbing her eyes with her left hand rotating slightly.

I will continue to finish all the line work and then I will colour all the panels with a base colour, this way all of the panels will be in the same style.

Motion Graphic

Sticking to my work schedule, I soon moved onto creating my motion graphic once February was over. I spent the first week of March creating each panel but soon came to realise they were all in different styles and had little consistency.

Weapon Concept Art

Once I had designed my Characters, I wanted to create a weapon for them to use, both as a way of hunting and self defence, but also a tool.

Firs I started with some simple thumbnails, I knew I wanted to create some sort of staff so I kept in mind this shape.

I then developed these shapes into six developed designs, thinking about different uses each would have.

This sheet shows my thoughts behind the designs, I really liked the idea of the siblings having some kind of power that meant they could semi-control the forest and make things grow, such as making bark grow around a blade to make a weapon. 

I liked the Billhook design, but felt the third staff had a much more unique shape that would be more interesting to hold, so I worked on incorporating my previous designs onto this shape.

While creating these designs, someone observing my work thought they looked like bows, which I decided to develop into my final design. This gave the weapon three different attacks which is what I was looking for in a multipurpose, hand made weapon.

Final Character Designs

Final Development

After playing around with all my designs, this is what I have developed for the final design. I incorporated designs ofromPair 1 and 2 and added the new hair styles. Once I had drawn the design out, I coloured the figures in grey scale to play around with different tones.

To develop the colours, I created various colour schemes that worked together and put them onto my current design.

Character Concepts Stage Four

 I liked the final five designs I had developed, however, I wanted to experiment with different head ideas, trying out different hairstyle, war paint and, in the term of the male character, facial hair. 

I had two main inspirations with these face marking designs, I was trying to think of different markings you could make using only your fingers and different animal patterns the sister might imitate, such as a dear, lynx or badger. So far my favourite hair design is the 3rd row on the second page, it looks messy as if she has just  chopped away at it.

So far I like the long hair design for the male but worn up in a messy knot.

Edit: After talking to Nigel about these designs, he felt the females hair was too styled, and preferred the rough dread locks look. I took this opinion into consideration and when I tried it out on my current design, felt it looked better so I stuck with it. 

Character Concepts Stage Three

Once I had developed enough silhouettes and felt I had enough ideas, I began developing these further into fully fledged character designs. Developing 5 Female Characters and 5 Male, taking into consideration which designs other people thought I should develop.

Sister Designs:

The Female Characters I created ranged from very Tribal looking warriors to poor medieval villager while I was trying to find a good balance in between.

Brother Designs:

I had similar issues with the brother design in terms of clothing, however, I also took into consideration his build, from scrawny to well built and muscular. I feel if he is able to fight off wild animals, he should have at least some muscle, but I do not want it to look unrealistic.

Once I had created these 10 designs, I paired them up to see which characters worked best together as brother and sister and played around with colours, trying to create the earthy woodland texture of their surroundings.