Sunday 4 November 2012


To improve my studio work, I have been developing my drawing skills by attending life drawing lessons and making studies wherever possible.

These are some studies I created focusing on clothing and the folds in different materials.

These are some studies I drew of feet and hands. These will be very important in my characters designs, because it is likely their feet will be exposed.

These are some sketches I did over the summer studying the male face, which will help for my male designs as these are what I struggle with most.

In my first life drawing lesson, we focused on lighting and creating form using charcoal and erasers. 

I think I managed to get the form down in the first two, and this was good practise for me to step away from using just lines. However, I really struggled with the second pair of sketches where we were challenged to use just vertical and horizontal lines.

 The next life drawing focused on storytelling and we were challenged to create a story using the model and props and just three scenes representing a beginning, middle and end.

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