Sunday 4 November 2012

Initial Ideas

These are some Initial Sketches I have created of the two characters.

This is a very rough sketch, but was my very first visual idea of the two characters. The clear things I wanted the characters to have were furs, to show not only have they learned to live in the woods, but they are hunters also. However, they wear the fur because they need it to keep warm, they will have learned to respect nature and only kill when it is necessary. Their hair wills should be tangled and messy but also possibly show signs of the times, such as ribbons in the girl’s hair.

These are two initial sketches of the brother and sister, at the moment they very stylised, especially the girl, but this is a possible route to go down. Again these sketches show the furs, messy yet somewhat styled hair all tied in with bits of nature (the girls stick/weapon and leafy skirt)

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