Thursday 22 November 2012


Here is the final animation I have created for Ba7, it contains my storyboard and narration. 

I created this animation by first, creating a very rough storyboard, that I felt explained the narrative, I then designed the main characters and re-designed the storyboards, making them easier to understand and clearer for others to follow, yet still not worrying too much about the neatness of my work, just ensuring that everything was made clear, which I believe I did.  

Once this was finished, I re-worded my narrative to ensure it was the best quality, and recorded myself narrating the story using Garageband. I thought about the idea of asking someone else to narrate the piece, but I found it difficult to explain to people how to read it, with out saying it myself, and so I cut out the middle man. I re-worked to recording many times, looking back at Emma Watsons narration of The Three Brothers animation for inspiration of how to end certain sentences and how to use different tones. This recording is no where near perfect, but it conveys the tone and flow I want my final motion comic to have.

Once the recording was complete, I put everything together in Adobe After Effects and created the animations in short 10 second sections, finally putting together all the clips in the final video you see here. 

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